What’s New: New Sidebar Navigation, New Security Setting & New Outcome Measure!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on November 12, 2024

We have a few exciting updates for TherapyNotes® to share with you today!  

Introducing Sidebar Navigation!

We’re excited to introduce our new navigation experience, bringing a modern look to TherapyNotes and giving you more space for what matters. Collapse the sidebar to gain even more screen real estate on desktops and tablets.


If you’re not quite ready to give the new navigation a try, you can switch between this experience and the classic top navigation on your Display Preferences settings page.

New Clinician Assignment Feature for Schedulers

A new setting has been added that allows Schedulers to assign patients to clinicians, without needing an already assigned clinician to grant access to the patient’s chart. Remember, assigned clinicians have full access to their patient’s records. Practice Administrators can enable this feature from the Security Settings page.

Scheduelers Allowed to Assign Patients to Clinicians

ChOCI-R-P Outcome Measure

The Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory-Revised-Parent (ChOCI-R-P) can be completed by the patient on the portal, or can be clinician-administered in TherapyNotes. The ChOCI-R-P screens for OCD symptoms and impairments with children. This outcome measure can be completed on the portal in English or Spanish, and will be available to review in the client’s chart and print or download as a PDF. 

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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