What's New: TherapyNotes AutoPay

By TherapyNotes, LLC on March 10, 2025

Managing outstanding patient balances just got even easier! We’re excited to introduce TherapyNotes AutoPay, a new feature designed to simplify payment collections, saving you time and helping you get paid faster. With AutoPay, you can now select a patient credit card to be used for AutoPay, which will automatically charge that card for outstanding balances overnight.


To get started, navigate to a patient’s Billing Settings tab and edit to select the stored credit card you wish to enroll in the 'AutoPay Payment Method' dropdown. Any existing outstanding balance will be charged to the card upon enrollment. Going forward, when the patient has a new balance due, the balance will be automatically charged to the enrolled card during our nightly batch process. It is important to note TherapyNotes does not recommend using an HSA card for AutoPay, as many will not allow certain automated charges such as missed appointment fees.


Patients will see a notification about AutoPay charges in their portal, ensuring transparency regarding their payment schedule. They can use an alternative payment method to settle their balance before the automatic charge is processed, if desired.


You can review the outcome of AutoPay batches on the AutoPay Transactions report, now available in the Patient Accounting section of your Billing page. Simply select a daily batch or specify a custom timeframe to view the details and status of recent payment transactions. You can view more information about a specific transaction by clicking the transaction date. To quickly identify any declined payments that may require additional follow-up with the patient, use the Transaction Status filter and select ‘Declined.’

AutoPay Report

If you don’t already use TherapyNotes Payment Processing, here’s another great reason to get started! Practices that use TherapyNotes Payment Processing but do not wish to utilize AutoPay may turn the feature off by visiting the Practice Billing settings page.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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