Helpful Software Improvements and Credit Card Processing

By TherapyNotes, LLC on March 23, 2014

Staff Pages with Tabs

Selecting a staff member will now display that user’s information in tabs, similar to how patient’s are displayed. This consolidates the various information regarding a clinician. Further, with this improved interface, we have added the ability for practice admins to view the To Do list for any clinician.

Excel Export of Billing Results

After doing a search on the billing page you can click the new Export button save your output as an Excel file. This export may be useful for your own custom reports that are beyond the capabilities of TherapyNotes.

Additional Options on Notes

The psychotherapy progress notes now have "Deferred" as an option in the suggested responses for the progress made for an objective. In the patient presentation section, under interpersonal we added the option "intermittently interactive.” On the psychotherapy treatment plan menu for Estimated Completion, that shows for each objective, we added options for "1 week", "2 weeks", and "3 weeks.”

Credit Card Processing Ready for Early Adopters!

Credit card processing is now completely integrated into TherapyNotes and once enabled it allows you to do charges and credits on the same screen you already use to enter payments. We have developed a way to swipe a credit card right into TherapyNotes using an inexpensive USB card reader, and with no additional software to be installed. Credit cards can be put on file with your patients for future charges. Once you enter a credit card the account details get saved as a security token so we don’t actually have the actual credit card number on file, drastically minimizing any security concerns.

You will need to set up a merchant account with us, the rates will be very competitive, and for early adopters we will not be charging any additional fees through your TherapyNotes subscription. We will sign up practices on a first come first served basis, as there is an application process. We will post more detailed information on the TherapyNotes web site soon.

Performance Improvements

With this update many areas of TherapyNotes were made to be much faster, particularly the patient search.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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