Improvements to Notes and Billing Features

By TherapyNotes, LLC on February 25, 2014

This TherapyNotes update includes a number of various improvements, most of which are for very specific scenarios. If you have any questions about the update, please let us know. In addition to a few bug fixes, here are the updates:

Mental Status & Patient Presentation History Button

The Patient Presentation section of progress notes now offers a History button, allowing you to review past entries and copy forward an entry into the current note.The primary benefit of this feature is to copy forward this information from the patient's last note.

Practice Name from Location Used for Statements

When generating patient statements or superbills the practice name will come from your multi-location settings, if specified.

Service Facility Not on Claims When Address Matches

When using multi-location settings if the location name and address matches the main location, the service facility will not be included as a separate location on electronic claims. This should prevent rejections we experienced from a small number of providers.

This is for situations where practices set up separate “locations” in TherapyNotes for the purpose of submitting a different tax id or NPI for certain claims, but are actually still for the same address. In this scenario we recommend leaving the name and address fields blank for the alternate location, which will automatically use the primary address and not create a separate service location on the claim.

Patient Name and DOB on Upload Dialog

When uploading patient records the name and birthdate of the patient are now displayed to reduce the chance of uploading files to the wrong patient.

Longer Patient Account Numbers

Patient account numbers can now be 14 characters - up from 10. Patient account numbers are an optional feature and off by default.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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