
When Your Practice Plateaus

Maybe you’re chugging along. The phone is ringing, you’re seeing clients, you’re...
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The Secret to Getting Great Testimonials for Your Therapy Site
Testimonials are a great way for potential clients to see examples of your expertise in...
5 Things You Need to Know About Leaving an Insurance Panel
The decision to leave an insurance panel (or all of them) is often one that creates a bit...
Saturated Therapy Market? Hooray!
Throughout my years in private practice consulting, not a week has gone by when I haven’t...
5 Ideas to Diversify Your Income in Private Practice
'Tis the season where the phones slow down. Summer has arrived, and clients tend to come...
Community Engagement Wins All Day (Marketing Strategies That Actually Work)
Have you seen all the posts, articles, and ads about how to up your group practice...
TherapyNotes™ 4.50: Security Improvements
Improved Login Attempt Throttling We've adjusted how we handle incorrect password...
How to Grow Your Practice With Your Therapy Website
Many passionate therapists struggle to get their practice off the ground and fill it with...
Top Technology Tools for the Testing Psychologist
I’m a huge lover of technology, apps, gadgets, and anything that will make the testing...
Pros and Cons of Adding Provisionally-Licensed Therapists to Your Group Practice
Many group practice owners think about bringing on a therapist who isn't fully licensed...

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