
Networking as a Therapist: If, Why, and How

When I bring up the topic of networking events, the responses that I get are sometimes...
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Moving From Part-Time to Full-Time Private Practice
For me, one of the scariest moves that I ever made in my own private practice journey was...
Sharing an Office Space as a Therapist
In the 14 years that I’ve been in private practice, I have subleased or office-shared for...
Don’t Stop Optimizing Your Website Just Because Your Practice Is Full
Would you stop seeing a client just because they came in one day feeling good? Probably...
TherapyNotes™ 4.51: Psychiatry Treatment Plan No Longer Required, Boosted Billing Performance, and More
Psychiatry Treatment Plan No Longer Required Medication management users in...
When Your Practice Plateaus
Maybe you’re chugging along. The phone is ringing, you’re seeing clients, you’re...
The Secret to Getting Great Testimonials for Your Therapy Site
Testimonials are a great way for potential clients to see examples of your expertise in...
5 Things You Need to Know About Leaving an Insurance Panel
The decision to leave an insurance panel (or all of them) is often one that creates a bit...
Saturated Therapy Market? Hooray!
Throughout my years in private practice consulting, not a week has gone by when I haven’t...
5 Ideas to Diversify Your Income in Private Practice
'Tis the season where the phones slow down. Summer has arrived, and clients tend to come...

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