Building an Intranet for Your Private Therapy Practice With Google Sites

As COVID continues to keep many practices virtual, group practice owners are struggling...
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Tips for Transitioning Back to the Office
Over the past several months as we have adjusted to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have gone...
What I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Group Practice
As a group practice owner, I'm often asked, “What do you wish you knew before you started...
TherapyNotes™ 4.58: Telehealth and Portal Improvements
Thank you to our TherapyNotes™ Telehealth beta testers! We have already logged thousands...
5 Tips for Using Google My Business for Your Practice
Google My Business is an online tool that allows local businesses to control how their...
Are You Unintentionally Committing Insurance Fraud?
It's a scary thought to wonder if you're unintentionally committing insurance fraud. But,...
TherapyNotes™ 4.57: Telehealth Beta, Patient Contacts Form, and Much More
We couldn’t be more excited for this release of TherapyNotes™, which includes the beta of...
The Therapist's Telehealth Guide for COVID-19
The ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has positioned telehealth as a...
Income Ideas for Testing Psychologists During COVID-19
Hello again, everyone! I hope you’re all holding up during this trying time. If you’re...
Fighting Loneliness in Private Practice by Supervising
Networking and participating in consultation groups are great ways to connect with other...

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