TherapyNotes Update: Calendar Design Enhancements, Billing Improvements, and More!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on April 30, 2013


  • We have made major design improvements to the TherapyNotes calendars that we hope you enjoy! This should improve readability by using lighter background colors, utilize space more efficiently, and more.
  • Schedulers scan now choose different colors for the clinicians. The color preferences are saved per scheduler, so changing colors will only affect your own view.
  • Appointment reminder emails can now use the nickname field if provided. This is optional. Please review this setting form the appointment reminders settings page.


  • Aging report can now be run by clinician.
  • Medicaid referral number is now on claims if provided in new patient billing setting.
  • Added a comments field for payers.
  • Added a clinician search filter in EDI Claim search.


  • Practice admins now have access to reassign patients to clinicians without needing to be a clinical admin.
  • Added "Partner" as relationship option for client contacts.
  • Default passwords for new users are less confusing and therefore easier to share.

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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