Various Updates to Enjoy!

By TherapyNotes, LLC on July 2, 2015

Notes and Patients

  • The Patient Presentation section of Progress Notes goes away if the patient is marked as not present.
  • We will display a warning if you try to download multiple notes and include Process Notes.
  • Date of consent for patient contacts will turn red if over 1 year old.

Scheduling, Patient Portal, and Appointment Reminders

  • We will now send appointment reminders to patients using a phone number that is local to your state or a nearby state when possible.
  • When printing your calendar, we now honor your active calendar settings such as showing patient initials, hiding missed appointments, or displaying specific locations only.
  • The "Set Calendar View" interface was improved for group practices, adding ability to easily deselect all clinicians.
  • We streamlined the interface for approving appointment requests with a separate "Advanced Search".


  • We added a convenient count of pending EDI claims displayed on the Billing page.
  • Billing searches can now be filtered by location.

Professional Will

  • The TherapyNotes Subscription settings page now includes instructions to upload a professional will, which is recommended for all practices!

* The content of this post is intended to serve as general advice and information. It is not to be taken as legal advice and may not account for all rules and regulations in every jurisdiction. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.


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