
Understanding MIPS Reporting and Performance Metrics

TherapyNotes™ helps make MIPS reporting easy! We've partnered with the American...
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Merchant Services Transition to CardPointe
Earlier this year, our credit card processing vendor, First Data, acquired the payments...
What Mental Health Providers Can Expect From the Quality Payment Program
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has established incentive programs...
5 Ways to Boost the Security of Your EMR
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) providers take extraordinary security measures to protect...
The Golden Thread: Your Key to Complete Documentation
(...and maybe even a good night's sleep.) Documentation is one of the most important...
New Medicare Cards and MBIs Are Coming in April 2018
In addition to creating the MIPS quality payment program, the Medicare Access and CHIP...
Essentials of Billing: New TherapyNotes Video Tutorials
Although TherapyNotes helps you streamline your billing process, insurance billing can...
Your 2018 PQRS Payment Adjustment Letters Are Coming
If you did not meet the PQRS reporting requirements in 2016, your penalty letter could...

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