What's New: PCL-5 Outcome Measure

Our third Outcome Measure, the PCL-5, is now available! The PCL-5 is used to measure the...
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What's New 5.9: Scheduling and Billing Updates, and much more to come!
Our first release of 2023 is one of our biggest releases ever. This version includes many...
What's New: Claim Note Field for Billing Overrides
We are happy to share that a new Claim Note field has been added to Clinician Billing...
What’s New 5.8: Patient Info Updates, Prescription Support Staff, and More!
Patient Information Updates We've changed how patient names are presented across...
Prior Authorization Updates
We have made numerous improvements to prior authorizations to help streamline your...
What's New 5.7: Prior Authorization Enhancements and More
Prior Authorizations We are excited to announce enhancements to Prior Authorizations!...
What's New: September 2022 ePrescribe Updates
This month's updates include the ability to write prescriptions using multiple licenses...
What's New: Introducing Outcome Measures
We are excited to introduce Outcome Measures to TherapyNotes! Now you can send the GAD-7...
What's New: ePrescribe Update for Unrecognized Patients
We're pleased to announce another ePrescribe update:
What's New 5.5: Maintenance Release
TherapyNotes 5.5 is a maintenance release with enhancements throughout several areas,...

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